Woo hoo! Do we know how to celebrate New Year's Eve, or what?!

Yes I really am this excited about letting Mom "fix" my hair...

Everyone get off the roads! Here I come!

This was not my fault! But how did Dad's car end up pointing in the wrong direction?

That doesn't look good at all... at least Dad (and the guys in the other car) walked away...

Subtle isn't it?

As usual, Dad was thrilled with his birthday... but Mom came through with his "engineer" cake again!

Mom is either suggesting Dad should upgrade his car or she is just working on a new career as "Auto Show Model"

I don't think they normally dress like this for drinking in the driveway...

Amazing... blue sky in China... Dad says the smog wasn't too bad on his latest trip...

And he couldn't help himself and had to take airplane window photos on the way back...

Aunt Maggie came up to visit Mom and celebrate their birthday...

Dad made "grumpy cake" though he said the cake was easy this year so it was really just "grumpy frosting"...

Mom and Aunt Maggie asked me to take some pictures, but Dad snuck in and photobombed them...

But they figured out he was there this time!

We also did a little puppy sitting this month... (No, we're aren't getting a new dog.)

She didn't have quite the same stamina as Buttercup...

Yes - 362 days later and I'm back to complaining about the difficulties of getting an old Porsche fixed after being in an accident. The worst part of this one being that I had just decided the roads were too slick to keep going to work and was in the process of pulling off the road when I got rear-ended...

Of course January is also the month that a lot of us get older. Funny how the whole year can go by without any aging and then it is January again and suddenly we're faced with the fact that we're that much further from our youth again... Well, you are anyway. I'm living in denial and we don't get older here (or at least that is the way it seems since I'm listening to The Go-Go's as I type this so clearly I'm still in the early 1980s...)

As you can see from the photos - Lucie is starting to practice driving with Caroline (for some reason they don't seem to think Lucie should practice with me) - we celebrated my birthday (or as I discussed with the lab tech at the doctor's office on the day after, we celebrated the anniversary of my birthday because we all really only have one birth day... we just choose to celebrate that annually...) - I went to China again already this year - Aunt Maggie came to visit and we celebrated Caroline's (and Maggie's) birthday - I headed down to New Mexico (you can't tell that from the photos, but I'll be back there again to start February) - we puppy sat for Gill - nothing too exciting or out of the ordinary...

Now I know you are expecting some wacky January facts, but instead I'll just share the wisdom of Elton John...

And we were love's knot after summer

Tied together in the dead of winter

Wrapped up with spring fever in the air

Bound together in the autumn

Every month means a little something

But January is the month that cares

You gotta do it

January is the month that cares

You gotta do it

January is the month that cares

No - I've never heard that song either, but who cares? Oh yeah... January!