Yes, Dad cheated on the thumbnail to surprise you with this Hagg Lake panorama...

Here we are practicing for our big canoe trip... The way Dad cropped this one looks like we're heading out to sea...

We saw 'Portugal. The Man' and 'Mumford and Sons' on the same night this month! Yes, Dad included the requisite concert ussie... and he cheated with a picture of Mumford and Sons from the web...

And Dad had to try out some new camera & Photoshop things this month...

I don't know what he was thinking with this doozie...

No one was around to capture the end of our canoeing & camping on the Willamette trip (thank goodness) but here we are starting out.

Dad's photos make it look like things were really hectic in Sea Tac, but really he just had a very long lay over and time to mess around...

Buttercup turned six while Dad and I were on our trips but Mom made sure to subject her to a little "Aunt Maggie photo shoot"

Dad managed to spend one evening outside of work and took these pictures in New Mexico...

He took these right here in Forest Grove...

Mom and I took Buttercup to the beach...

Wait a minute... Didn't it look like a nice day in that last picture?

I guess you can be the judge... there was still a little blue sky...

No pictures of the yard sale in our own driveway, but here we are raising money for my trip to Japan at the high school rummage sale... Mom's mostly just happy that we got rid of a lot of stuff whether or not we actually got any money...

We went back to the beach because it was close to 100 degrees at home...

This time we also took Sam, Zoe, and Jody in addition to Buttercup

No, we didn't abandon Buttercup... someone just threw the ball a long way!

Didn't Dad make a great postcard out of Mom's photo? You would visit this beach, wouldn't you?

And, of course, he had to amp this one up too, but it was really pretty like this for about an hour before it got all foggy...

Mom and Dad decided we need a shed... but first we needed a place to put the shed... that took three weeks of digging, framing, and hauling in a ton of rock... I think they're going to let someone else actually build the shed so we'll see how long that takes...

There must be something exicting to say about August...

I guess we should start by correcting that headline. Though we have finished 8 of the 12 months (8/12 reduces to 2/3) we have really only finished 243 of the 365 days in 2019 so really only 66.575342465753424657534246575342465753424...% Which means there is a whole 0.0913242...% more year to enjoy that you might have thought! You're welcome for that good news!

And you're going to need some good news because apparently August is a bummer of a month historically...

August 1 1944 - Anne Frank penned her last diary entry before being sent to a concentration camp...

August 2 1923 - President Warren G. Harding died suddenly...

August 4 1962 - Nelson Mandela was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison which was extended to a life sentence later...

August 6 1945 - The first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima killing 100,000 to 200,000 people...

August 9 1945 - The second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki killing 70,000+ people...

August 11 1965 - Six days of rioting in Los Angeles began, resulting in 34 deaths and more than 3000 arrests...

August 13 1961 - the Berlin Wall came into existence...

August 16 1780 - the Battle of Camden was a major defeat for American Revolutionary forces (of course most Americans probably don't know that the Revolutionary War was still going on in 1780 since we all think of July 4th 1776 as the big day, but that was just the beginning... and, of course, no one thinks about the Battle of Camden on August 16th because the much bigger event occurred on August 16 1977 when Elvis Presley died (or was abducted by aliens if you prefer that version of the story...))

August 19 1934 - nearly 90% of German voters grant Chancellor Adolf Hitler additional powers, including the presidency...

August 22 1986 - fumes from a volcanic eruption under Lake Nios in Cameroon killed more than 1500 people...

August 24 79 - Vesuvius erupted and destroyed Pompeii, Stabie, and Herculaneum...

August 26 1883 - a volcano on Krakatoa erupted - the explosion, heard 2,000 miles away, threw 5 cubic miles of earth up to 50 miles into the atmosphere and resulted in tidal waves 120 feet high drowning 36,000 people on nearby islands...

August 29 1792 - as the battleship Royal George was being repaired, winds blew water into open gun ports causing the ship to sink in a matter of minutes, killing 900 sailors...

August 31 1997 - Princess Diana died in a high speed car crash

I guess if you look throughout history bad things happen every month, but are you really going to find another month with three major volcanic events, two atomic bombs (of course not - thankfully there have only ever been two), and the death of a king and a princess?

Of course, there is always August 13 1964 but I'm not sure one birthday really offsets everything else...

Anyway, now that you are all cheered up... enjoy the pictures!