This month Dad tried playing with different image development techniques...

Mom went to see Michael Buble but she didn't take us...

So, we have to imagine that the show looked like this just like you!

We did go see P!nk though (her exclamation point, not mine...) where we had to get the standard concert ussie...

See... I told you it was her exclamation point, not mine...

Before we saw P!nk, we saw Julia Michaels - her show was a little bit different than P!nk's...

P!nk flew around from the ceiling a lot...

And had lots of lights...

And a really big cast...

Harry's tree popped into full bloom over a few days this month!

I told you Dad was playing with image development... This is really just a dirty window in an old building...

And this is the oldest Baptist church west of the Rockies...

Both Dad and Mom felt compelled to take pictures of flowers...

Dad's dramatic picture of Buttercup as she faithfully guards the couch...

I wanted to look like a rabbit so Dad helped out with Photoshop...

Dad just wanted to include this one for proof that sometimes Mom and I still get along... and you can sort of see Mom's hair that Dad totally didn't notice...

Oh what fun we had hunting Easter eggs again this year!

Even I took scenic pictures this month in the gorge on my Menucha trip...

And another one of mine from the gorge...

Actually... no. Maggie's Buns closed awhile ago, but Dad was wandering Forest Grove taking pictures...

He says this is the Forest Grove Sky Rooster...

I was busy practicing my guitar while he was wandering...

I rode twice in the horse show to end the month. Morgan didn't want to cooperate, but I bent him to my will... it was tougher than working with Mom.

Here's Morgan and Mom commiserating...

This is going to be quick this time. I should have done it over the weekend but instead we spent almost 3 hours on Friday night rewatching Infinity War to refresh our memories before spending 4 hours in the theater on Sunday watching End Game...

Oh yeah, and I'm still supposed to be getting work done...

Anyway... As you can see in the pictures... a couple of concerts, Easter, an overnight choir trip out to the gorge, and a horse show this month in addition to everything coming into bloom so you know what that means, right? Of course you do... allergies! Yea itchy, watery eyes!

I also tried to include some photo "art" for you this month. That is really for me, of course, as it gives me an excuse to try different things with the camera, Lightroom, and Photoshop... Personally I like how much color I was able to create in what was essentially a black and white dirty old window...

Other than that, I don't have a lot to say this month. I know.. I know... How will you ever get by without some random ramble about the month or totally unrelated fact? I'll give you one just so you can get some sleep tonight... In Switzerland it is illegal to own just one guinea pig. I'm sure it is true - I read it on the internet.

In fact, I read it at and now you can go there read the other 99 on your own!