Mom managed to capture the clover while it was in full color...

Happy Mother's Day! I think Mom was trying to get to the Swedish Fish...

You can't tell she's there, but this is what happens when Aunt Maggie starts taking pictures (Dad actually got this one of us being silly)

Then Mom had Aunt Maggie sit for some pictures and Dad got me and Maggie being silly...

Then Dad had to get all three of us playing cards...

I don't think Buttercup feels "blessed"...

It might look like a basketball lesson, but I was getting coached on my singing... something about the hamsters on the wheel running really hard...

Harry Heaven Day was on a Monday, but after school I helped Mom and Dad plant...

We tried to put a few more plants into the ground this year - hopefully these roses do well...

But we also put a lot of plants in pots again so the deck is really pretty now...

These just grew again this year on their own to help celebrate Harry

Our Eagles concert was delayed but only from the 5th to the 22nd... Mom just can't help herself with the group selfie...

Dad didn't use a flash or record the concert (he is such a rule follower!) but he still took some pictures...

Dad also went for a hike in Forest Park with some co-workers... Do you see them? Of course not! But the scenery is pretty...

Dad says we look like "Mutt and Jeff" whoever they are - Happy Towel Day!

We all went out for another 5K - one of my friends even ran and tied for 1st place in the under 18 group, but most of us just finished...

I had to take over the Choir Concert and express my appreciation for Mrs. Vandyke as this was her last concert (at least for now)

See - wasn't it worth waiting one extra day? Dad took all these in one afternoon before he had to actually start working...

Do you know what May 10th was?

May 10th was 4 months without my car...

At this point it is quite likely that June 10th will be 5 months...

What else could I tell you about besides whining about my lack of a car? We saw The Eagles! The concert was delayed about 3 weeks because Don Henley got sick, but at least it was only 3 weeks... We're still waiting for a new date for Bob Seger and Bonnie Raitt won't be joining James Taylor in June... I guess we'll have to stop going to see "old folks" in concert!

This year The Eagles consisted of Don Henley (who as noted above got sick and caused a reschedule), Joe Walsh (who was amazing on guitar but way past his prime on vocals), Timothy B. Schmit (who was on crutches and thus sat for the entire concert), Deacon Frey (who was filling in for his dad who passed away in 2016), and Vince Gill (the self-proclaimed "61 year old new guy"). They managed to play for two and a half hours (as Don Henley put it, "because we can") and other than leaving out Lucie's favorite, "Disco Strangler" they managed to play just about everything you could think of. Hopefully James Taylor will be as great...

You can tell what else happened this month from the pictures. Aunt Maggie came to visit. Lucie had a solo singing event and did really well (she got the second highest score of all the solo performers - not that anyone is counting.) We remembered Harry again with more plants. It was a beautiful day outside, but that didn't really make it any easier... Then Lucie celebrated Towel Day again and we participated in the Team Up! 5K to help raise money for Forest Grove schools and Lucie had her last school concert for the year...

Finally, I went to Utah for work...