Yeah! It's the Easter... Retriever?

We didn't see him (her? it?) but the Easter Bunny did make a stop again this year...

Yes, I am demonstrating both the chicken dance and how to be a bunny. What can I say? I'm multi-talented!

My egg hunting skills, however, still seem a little questionable, but I have fun!

I think Dad just wanted you to see that it didn't snow again this month...

You rarely see Dad on the web site and here he is finding an egg behind a picture of himself!

He says this is proof that he shouldn't be on that side of the camera...

Look at how much fun he had searching for the eggs I hid!

Of course Mom had to help him clean up the mess he made...

I rode two more tests this months... yes I still need to work on impulsion!

Dad felt the need to play with Photoshop to make the ride more dramatic...

And I don't know what to say about this one... I was just glad to finish the ride.

April... What can I possibly write about this month?

April is the fourth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar, the fifth in the early Julian and the first month to have the length of 30 days. Whoa! That is exciting... the first month to have the length of 30 days! I can hardly contain myself! What else?

The Romans gave this month the Latin name Aprilis but the derivation of this name is uncertain. Aprilis had 30 days; Numa Pompilius made it 29 days long; finally Julius Caesar's calendar reform made it again 30 days long. In Ancient Rome, the festival of Cerealia was held for seven days from mid-to-late April, but exact dates are uncertain. Feriae Latinae was also held in April, with the date varying. Other ancient Roman observances include Veneralia (April 1), Megalesia (April-16), Fordicidia (April 15), Parilia (April 21), Vinalia Urbana, Robigalia, and Serapia were celebrated on (April 25). Floralia was held April 27 during the Republican era, so I guess we're back to celebrating that one now... I guess it is no surprise that the Roman empire fell since all they seemed to do was party... and they hadn't even invented golf back then...

What else can I find on the old interwebs? Let's see... everyone knows that April 1st is April Fools Day, but did you know it is Atheist Day, Boomer Bonus Day, International Tatting Day, Library Snap Shot Day, Myles Day, National Fun Day, Poetry & The Creative Mind Day, Reading is Funny Day, Sorry Charlie Day, St. Stupid Day, US Air Force Academy Day, Every Day is Tag Day (1st Saturday), International Pillow Fight Day (1st Saturday), National Love Our Children Day (1st Saturday), and Tangible Karma Day (1st Saturday)...

Look at all that space I've used up without actually saying anything. And you know why, right? Because I don't have anything to say! Another month has flown by. It didn't snow. Easter happened. I fixed the water feature and took two cars in for service. I got out for one bicycle ride. Caroline failed to win the lottery so I went to work. What else is there?

I think that is probably enough rambling for this month. Talk at you later...