March 2014

March 30th: Look out! Now he's getting ahead of himself!

I could say something about March Madness I guess except that I haven't paid any attention to it what so ever and thus I wouldn't know what to say... 32 teams (is it 32 teams?) - one winner (did someone win yet?) Oh yeah - it is inspiring...

Lucie and Caroline went to Texas. I stayed home with Buttercup and Truffle. They both survived, so it was a success as far as I'm concerned. I also kept Lucie's seedlings alive so what could be better?

Work continues to be work, with the added excitement of tax time. Almost done with that again this year...

What else? I could talk about the weather... or maybe my bunions or sciatica or some other problem that I really don't have but which would further emphasize how I don't really have anything interesting for this month.

Someone who shall remain nameless (but who's initials are BB) sent this evil puzzle home with me! Dad finally finished his Greene and Greene inspired knock off... Mom decided to be artistic with the camera... And Dad decided to be artistic and paint this lovely city scape as part of a team building activity at work...
Before we went to Texas we went to see Linus (well, Mom probably went to see Susan, but...) Mom and I decided we would join the in crowd and take a Selfie - but then we waited until the web site update to post it... Maria and I had a great time in the park! Then we decided to bust a move at the night club (Gran and Mad Dog's kitchen in the middle of the day...)
We took a quick trip up to Dallas too and rescued some pine cones from a watery grave - oh yeah, we saw our friends too! We also saw Uncle Jeff and Aunt Brooke and our little cousin Sterling Ah the joys of trying to get a group shot... So much easier when you just want two in the picture!
More group shot madness - and Dad had to play with Photoshop too... Look what he did to Maria and me! One more group shot on the porch before we left And then a goodbye hug for Harry - if only he were a little smaller I could have snuck him in the backpack...
Back home again and I guess Dad did OK with Buttercup - she looks awesome in the new necklace! And Mom captured this whole rainbow! Doesn't look like there are any gold pots at either end to me... Do pets look like their people, or do people look like their pets? Another stylish look for Buttercup - she's more willing to pose than I am...