August 2011

We miss you, Harry - August was a busy month...

You can find my slideshow here Apparently I wore Daddy out from an early age I guess I wore myself out too Can you believe they were doing this to me when I was only 6 months old?
I am so glad that everyone keeps bringing this episode up (yes, Lucie, I am being facetious...) I eventually got over the deer in the headlight look... Hey!  You're not Mommy! Who are you calling "chunky"?  Give me a break - I was only 18 months old...
And Mommy was feeding me all the time... Hanging out with Mommy on the deck Contemplating the future... or maybe just being thankful there is nothing stuck on my head... I think when Lucie had one of these they called it a "brain scrambler", but it just seems to vibrate my butt...
Hey!  That water is cold! Lucie might be in Georgia, but you can still play in the sand in Oregon And, we have this cool carousel at Seaside Oh boy - another attractive thing to stick on my head... at least they didn't do it every August!
Three and a half and I'm still getting my picture taken on the same family room carpet... I'm still on the carpet, but I look better than Daddy! Maybe I should go back to the carpet - or is this blue a better color for me? This is better - I can hang out with my friends in my stander
Or I can hang out with Mommy on the couch in the living room Last year we went to Chicago in August The park near my cousins' house had a cool swing Just hanging out watching the world go by...
I don't care what Daddy says - I don't believe that is a real dragon I don't see how sun glasses are supposed to help you be "in cognito" - this is clearly us!
Playing at the beach with Tanto - Daddy had to play with Photoshop to try to make this look "artier" What happens in Georgia stays in Georgia... unless Daddy gets a picture of it! I let Pooboy go, but I caught several anoles this year in Georgia We all went to a Sand Gnats game this year - they were winning when we left, but then they blew it...
Cruising back on the boat after breakfast on River Street First you set up an incredibly sophisticated trap - then you wait - then you wait some more - then you actually catch some birds! This is just to prove to Mommy that I don't just make big messes at home I beat TC at Monopoly!
Georgia was great, but I was really happy to see Mommy again! Alex eventually got too tall even for the last support and his flower broke off, but look at him! Chasing birds at the Boardwalk in California - who needs rides? I got to ride in the pink car that I wanted this time!
Daddy had to mess with the background on this one so you would be less likely to notice how much he "enjoyed" going on this with me... This one was probably more his speed, but he was too big and they wouldn't let him ride it After many tries, Daddy got a rubber chicken into a pot and won me this bird By focusing on taking pictures, Daddy was able to get across the Boardwalk on the sky lift...
But he made me go on this one with Aunt Maggie again... Monkey bars in California must be easier than they are in Oregon - I made it all the way across! And the zip line was way cooler than the one at home I got to carry a ring and wear a lei in Aunt Maggie's wedding!
I don't know what "Caroline went all Pippa at Aunt Maggie's wedding" means... Daddy was supposed to take pictures, but you know how I have to pick up the slack for him! Me and Mommy looking glamorous Aunt Maggie and Uncle Professor have a plaque for Harry in their back yard
I'd like everyone to meet Sindy Fancy Carriker - my new dwarf fancy hamster